Fromme- Les Mundwiler 0-1
I must confess that originally I didn't know what was going on in this game. 25 moves and White's queenside is still undeveloped.
The turning point may have come after 25...Bf5

28...Re6! is a nice move, "sacrificing" a knight, to build a mating net, and/or win the exchange. Nice finish by Les.
Schulz - Kaptsan 1-0
Kaptsan trotted out the Blumenfeld gambit, but never got counterplay.
Atem - Jim Green 0-1
I didn't like the maneuovre 18...Nd3 and 19..Nc5, trading a good knight for a knight on the rim, and ending up with weak c and b pawns.
Greenberg - Kernetsky 1-0
White converted his space advantage into material gain.
Crawford - Kong 0-1
They shoot horses, don't they ? White's knight on the rim had no way back.
Wood - Hanrahan 0-1
When I looked at this game, I liked 25. h5+, followed by Qf5+ and Bxh6. See the Exclam ! blog for full notes from Nigel. White had an absolutely won game, but couldn't find 30. Rf7. One of those games where the winner did nothing and won !
Campbell - Trueman 1-0
They shoot horses don't they, part 2. Francis dropped a knight.
Leor Wasserman - John Weirda 0-1
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