Jeff slowly outplayed his opponent from a cramped position. White got a little passive, lost his d pawn, and Jeff exchanged down to a won K and pawns ending.
Rutter - Gibbons 1-0
Hard to believe if you look at the position below after White's's move 21. Bf4

21...d3 should just win the house, but see how White won in 8 more moves at
Liu - Pottinger 0-1
Black played un petit combination to secure a winning advantage.
Black to play his 18th move below.

Nice !
Tang-Oberton 1-0 Battle of the King's Indian practitioners. Black had a very cramped position which Ed exploited with some fine play. Nothing flashy, but worth a look see.
Zhou-Schulz Draw - I am going to check to see if there if something wrong with the game score as there is mate in one available at move 23 ...Qg1#
Update: Blair Rutter indicates "There is no mistake in the Schulz game. Waldemar did indeed miss mate in one. There were 3 or 4 of us watching the game, doing our level best to remain expressionless as we saw him ponder the position for several minutes. As soon as he made his move, he realized his blunder, and jokingly said to me "I might as well give up chess now." We've all been there."
Kwiatek-Khedkar 1-0
Jordan played the speculative 21. Nxh7 to result in the position below.

Very interesting. Although the chess engines will say Black is winning, there are a lot of deadly threats to consider
See the full game at
Igal Raihman - Huynh
Black had a dream dragon position after 17. Nb3.
The move for Black is ?

17...Qa6 Double attack on f1 and a2 and Black has a decisive advantage. Well, it is the TNT and as we all know anything can happen. Peter played Qb5, see the actual conclusion at
Van Wyk - Daniel Raihman 1-0
One mistake in the opening gave Joseph a chance to have an attack that played itself.
Nikouline - Evans 1 -0
As I was going through this game I was thinking that Evans was having a good game, but I wanted to change my mind at move 27. He was having a GREAT game ! Wait, maybe there is a game score problem. No, unlikely, Alex is the great unsung hero of chessmanitoba, as he virtually single-handledly enters all these games for the databases. Believe me , it is not easy deciphering the game scores. Anyway, after Alex played 27. Bh5 the position below occurred.

and Brian played the forcing sequence that starts with Rf1+, etc, and then Qc4+ and took the pawn at e4 (a2 was also hangin) . So what happened ? Hint: It was a Tuesday night
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