It looked like Ed had Jeff cramped up, but Qe5 exhanging queens and e4 allowing White to plant a knight on the great square d4 swung the advantage in Babb's favour.
Pottinger - Igal Raihman 0-1
This turned into a tactical melee, with pieces hanging everywhere. White's last chance for salvation appears to be 28. Ne1
Van Wyk - Lauritson 1-0
Joseph got a pawn roller going on the e and files, perfectly supported by pieces, and pushed them until Jim had enough.
Kong - Nikouline 0-1
Alex applied big pressure on the Kingside, and finished it off with a stock Q "sacrifice".
Schulz-Atem 1-0
After a lot of manoeuvering, the following position occurred after White's 29th move Nh4

Now Atem playe 29...Kh7 which is a decisive mistake. (I didn't see it myself). It is subtle, but it loses a critical tempo. It turns out
the King is needed on g7 to cover f6 and f7. As it is, Black's pieces are overloaded after 30.cb6 and 31. Bc5. See the rest of the game at
Khedkar - Zhou 0-1
After 20 moves of a wild King's Gambit material equality was restored with s slightly more active position for Black. Jay ended up dropping a pawn and Zhou won the endgame.
Daniel Raihann - Evans 1-0
Black missed his chance to remove White's potentially dangerous bishop

with 16...Nxf3; as a result Black lost a pawn and then a piece. Perhaps he missed that after
17. Nxd8 Nxd2 18. Nxf7 Nc4 ! White's knight is lost. And after 18. Nxb7 Nc4 White has to
be aware of the threat of Bg5+ followed by Rxb7.
Huyhn - Magnusson 0-1
Saul won his second game around. In a overwhelming position for Black, my computer suddenly gave me an = sign. Apparently, Peter missed claiming a three fold repetition with announcing his intention to play 33. Qe4. The same position occured after White's 29th and 31st moves
Letain - Wood 1-0
I can only guess that this game ended in time trouble.
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