Sunday, January 20, 2013

2013 MB Championship Qualifying

2013 Manitoba Championship Qualifying

8 player knockout
Qualifiers -
Qualifiers must play 10 standard rated games (somewhere in the world) during calendar 2012 in order to qualify. In order of preference - if the qualifying player did not want to participate or the qualifier is redundant, we continued down the list until there were 8 willing participants.

     1. Previous Year's Champion (TREVOR VINCENT)
     2. Winner of the Reserve (2012 Albert Boxer Memorial, KEVIN GENTES)
     3. MB Junior Champion (if rated above 1900) either Kevin Li or Leor Wasserman
     4. Top Manitoban in AY Memorial (Fletcher Baragar, but  only 5 games played)
     5,6. Top 2 finishers in the Tournament of Champions (Kevin Gentes, ARVIN DAWA)
     7. Player with the best MTPPS (KEVIN LI)
     8. Player with the 2nd best MTPPS (JEFF BABB)
     9. 2nd Manitoban in the AY Memorial (JEFF BABB, JASON REPA)
    10. Player with the 3rd best MTPPS (Kevin Gentes)
     11. Player with the 4th best MTPPS 
    12. etc.from the MTPPS

Eligible Participants in order:

1. Trevor Vincent
2. Kevin Gentes
3. Arvin Dawa
4. Kevin Li
5. Potentially Leor Wasserman if he wins the Junior playoff
6. Jeff Babb
7. Jason Repa

From the MTPSS

8. Aron Kaptsan
9. Samuel Lipnowski
10. Nilo Moncal
11. Leor Wasserman
12. Sam Cleto
13. Gustavo Melamedoff
14.Myron Kernetsky
15. Anthony Boron

So, the final spot hinges on the 2012 Junior Championship playoff, which is to be scheduled.

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