Anyway - on to the games/positions of note
Round 1
Silva - Lipnowski DRAW
It is not often that one can drop a piece to Sam and still draw. Silva goes in for a dubious manouevre with 26.Nh5 (instead 26. Ra1 is fine) and drops a piece. Somehow Silva is able to hold the ending, despite rejecting forced draws at 57.Qxg6+ and 59. Qg5+. I can only guess that time trouble may have been a factor for at least one of the players.
Mundwiler - Wierda 1-0
Les drove his knight through traffic down to d6. John gave up an exchange unnecessarily and soon the position opened up ending in a nice combination - White is even a pawn down in the final position !
Position after 35. Rxd7

Wood - Lauritson 0-1
My initial impression is that both players missed several chances.
25...Qxd4 appears to win a piece. 27...Qe4+ covers the h7 pawn.
There are some lines for White that the computer finds that give him a big advantage but I do not think it is fair to think us mortals could find our way through those lines. Exercise for the reader: put your engine on the position after the computer move 31. Qxf6+ and try to guess the computer's next moves.
Tang - Aaron Green 1-0
Black kept sacrificing pieces trying to conjure up a mate, but to no avail.
Liu - Trueman 1-0
Another King's Indian player prematurely sacrifices a piece.
Magnusson - Cleto 0-1
A sacfest resulted in White with a queen and rooks against two minors and rooks.
But White seemed to not see the idea of coming around to the Queenside via h8 and mating Black. For example, 37. Qh8+ Ke7 38. Qb8 and Black has no solution. A few moves later White moved into Black's mating net.
Atem-Letain 1-0
When it was looking very grim, Black missed a resource 26...Rac8 which gave him at least an equal game.
Deng - L. Gibbons 1-0
Not sure why this is 1-0 given the game score. It is difficult for Black but certainly not over yet.
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