Thursday, May 28, 2015

2015 Winnipeg Open (Joe Dreman Memorial) starts Tuesday, June 2

2015 Winnipeg Open - Joe Dreman Memorial  ( a special Tuesday Night Tournament)

CFC and FIDE rated.

 $ 20 entry fee  -   Prizes will be based on entries. Approximately $ 200 will be added to the prize fund through the Joe Dreman legacy

Location: University of Winnipeg - Rm 4CM42

9 rounds - June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, July 7, 14, 21, 28 - (This is not a knockout tournament, players will play all 9 rounds)
(Players may take up to 3  half-point and any number of zero-point byes.  Half-point byes for rounds 8 and 9 must be requested before Round 5.

Please note that we intend to start the first round at 7:00 p.m. sharp. There is one game per week.

Time control of G /110 minutes [Each player has 1 hour 50 minutes  to complete their moves, the game will be be 3 hours and 40 minutes maximum]
Start time is 7:00 pm and the TD will confirm costs

$ 20 entry fee and CFC membership required.

All players must be CFC members (can be obtained during registration on-site)

[$ 20 for a one-tournament adult membership or $ 49 for 12 months- new adult members pay only $ 36 for a twelve-month CFC membership;

Junior (under 20)  members pay $ 10 for a one-tournament membership, $ 34 for a twelve-month CFC membership, new junior members pay only  $ 24 for a twelve month CFC membership]

Registration for tournament -Tuesday, June 2  - approximately 6:35 pm to 6:50 pm

Registration will be cut off at 6:50 pm. (If you think you may be late, please send an email to chessmanitoba 'at' before 5 pm (you can try later, but the wireless access at the U may be problematic) .

Current Prize Fund (as of July 1, 2015)

1st $ 140
2nd $ 80
3rd $ 45
4th $ 25

1st $ 60
2nd $ 35

1st $ 50
2nd $ 35

1st $ 50
2nd $ 30
3rd $ 20


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