Thursday, July 13, 2017

Cecil's Saturday Puzzle - June 30, 2017

from the Winnipeg Free Press
White to mate in 2 (Loyd)

(Note: the gremlins made an appearance at the Free Press and placed an additional black King on d5)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. Qa8!
point is black has to move his here. King cannot move.
1...exf5 2. Rh6#

-- Queen moves ---
1.... Qxa8 2. bxa8 = Bishop mate
1.... Qxb7 2. Qh8 mate
1... Qc8 2. bxc8 = Queen mate
1... Qd8, e8, f8, g8 2. b8 = Queen mate

1... Qc7 Qh8 mate
1... Qxd6 Qh8 mate
1... Qa7 Qh8 mate

I think that covers all cases, hopefully! - Isaac W.