Trevor extends his undefeated string to 183 games (ok, it just seems that long).
White had to develop action on the king side with 17. f4 to stay in the game, but Black owns the queenside regardless.
Mundwiler - Arie Wasserman 0-1
Big upset ! 6.d4 appears to be a novelty, and not a good one. It wasn't over yet, but 16. Ba3 ? allowing16... Ne3 was the beginning of the end.
I thought 29...Kf6 would have been a bit more precise (the position looked like one of Cecil's Saturday puzzles), but Arie's 29...Rxh3 is better (not that it really matters at that point).
Letain - Kernetsky DRAW
A half-upset.
Lauritson - Leor Wasserman 1-0
Here is a Saturday puzzle for you.

If play continues 21. Bxf8 Rxf8, it is mate in 8 after 22. Qh6. White decided instead to win a pawn with the natural 21. Qxf7
Trueman- Bince 0-1
White missed a chance with 43. Re7+ Kf8 44. Rcd8 winning either the c or e pawn.
However as play progressed, Black simplified to an easily won Knight vs. bishop ending.
Rutter - Pang 1-0
Black drops a pawn after 16...b6, with no compensation and he is probably lost at this point as the d pawn falls also. But he fights back and after White does not play the crushing 25. Qf4, he had a chance to survive with 25...Ncd6. But White sees 26. Qf4 and Black has to sacrifice a piece to live for a while.
Swift - Wiebe 1-0
Another upset, although Ryne has been done this before. What's more, he made the opposite colour bishop ending look easy. I will have to look at this ending again when I have more time.
Charter - Andusic 1-0
Bennet returns.
Sauddin - Aaron Green 0-1
White is doing fine until he abandon his e pawn for a speculative attack. Note that the unplayed 27...Rxd2 is possible and White does not mate after 28. Rh3 Qd6.
In the game, if 31. Kf1 , black still has to demonstrate how he will win.
In your comment:
Sauddin - Aaron Green 0-1
White is doing fine until he abandon his e pawn for a speculative attack. Note that the unplayed 27...Rxd2 is possible and White does not mate after 28. Rh3 Qd6.
In the game, if 31. Kf1 , black stil has to demonstrate how he will win.
would not Bxg2 be the natural response to Kf1? As if Kxg2, then Re1 should win easily.
In the game line you suggest,
Bxg2 is answered by Kxg2.
The pawn is still on d3, and the knight covers the d2 square, so Re1 is not possible.
Tony -- in my game against Pang, you note that I did not play the crushing 25. Qf4. But if play that and black plays 25 ... Ned6, what then? I don't see where I have a "crushing" attack. What am I missing? Blair
If 25...Ned6 26. Qe5 (threatening mate on g7) Bf8 27. Rxf8 --- etc.
for example 27..Qxf8 28. Nf6+ Kf7
29. Bxf8
I see now. Thx. Blair
I have something to say after in Bennet's game versus Ante. In the opening instead of 3...fxe5 why not 3...Qe7 then if 4.Qh5+ g6 5.Nxg6 Qxe4 6.Be2 Qxg6 and its equal after the queens go off!
Sorry I was commenting on the wrong line.
White doesn't have to (shouldn't play 4. Qh5+ after 3...Qe7.
4.Nc4 Qxe4+ 5.Ne3 leaves White with a positional advantage.
2...f6 shouldn't be played
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