Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Grand Prix - Round 2

Mundwiler - Kernetsky DRAW
There must be a tactic after 31.Kf1

how about 31...Bxf4 32. Nxe4 Qe4 winning easily. Black doesn't find that but eventually
gets a winning position anyway. I only guess that Black was in severe time pressure otherwise he would have found Bc7 starting around move 45 that easily preserves the win.

Kong - Jim Green 1-0
I was surprised by 23. Qxc5 - I thought dxc5 would leave Black grovelling with a really bad bishop. But Kong makes great use of the c5 square and mops up.

Wierda- Greenberg 0-1
18...Nxf2 is a nice winning shot.

Arie Wasserman - Aaron Green 0-1
White had chances to save the ending with 28. Nd2.

Evans - Wiebe 0-1
White initiates some tactics with 18. Qb3 that backfire, but he had an interesting alternative in 18. Rxf5 !

Letain - Swift DRAW
A quiet opening transforms into dangerous attacks on the g and h files. White blunders the exchange on move 28, but in the complications Black can not find the winning move 30...Rxe3
The players eventually enter an equal ending where Black misses a win after 45. Kc5
Black played ...Ke4 - but the winning line is 45...Kd3 46. Kxc6 Kc4 ! 47.Kb6 b4! and wins easily.

Repa -Crawford 1-0
Black played well, but after missing 27...Qf4+, White was able to coordinate his pieces for a mating attack

Pottinger - Lauritson 0-1
White wins a pawn in the ending, but Black's knights fight back until White blunders into a fork (as did Ari in the first round). [Was this another time scramble - game score shows 40...Nc3 which drops a knight ? or perhaps this was Nf6 which is logical and lets us continue with the game score.]

Ott - Campbell 0-1
White sacs a knight but doesn't get enough for it.

Mandusic - Trueman 0-1

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