K. Einarsson (1690) - L. Mundwiler (1997), 0-1
Black grabs more and more space; White tries a desperate attack that is easily defended.
Black grabs more and more space; White tries a desperate attack that is easily defended.
M. Kernetsky (1979) - C. Goodman (1646), 1-0
Black inadequately prepares 17...c5 and his game quickly falls apart.
Black inadequately prepares 17...c5 and his game quickly falls apart.
R. Swift (1612) - J. Lauritson (1957), 1-0
Black had problems finding squares for his dark-squared bishop.
19...Rad8 gives White a chance at a shot...
20. Nf6+ gxf6 (20... Bxf6 21. gxf6; 20...Kh8 21. Nd5) 21. gxf6 Bxf6 22. Bxf6 Nxf6 23. Qg5 Kh8 and winning, but White played 20. Qe3.
It looks like Black's last chance at survival was 25...Rfe8.
A nice game by Ryne over his much higher rated opponent.
D. Wiebe (1839) - S. Lipic (1606), 1-0
Black loses a pawn to a simple intermezzo. Just wondering if Black actually resigned at move 24, a pawn down in the rook ending.
Black had problems finding squares for his dark-squared bishop.
19...Rad8 gives White a chance at a shot...

It looks like Black's last chance at survival was 25...Rfe8.
A nice game by Ryne over his much higher rated opponent.
D. Wiebe (1839) - S. Lipic (1606), 1-0
Black loses a pawn to a simple intermezzo. Just wondering if Black actually resigned at move 24, a pawn down in the rook ending.
F. Milord (1584) - A. Green (1776), 0-1
29. hxg6 is a mistake that loses the game for White. He is slightly better until then.
29. hxg6 is a mistake that loses the game for White. He is slightly better until then.
J. Green (1773) - F. Trueman (1566), 1-0
Black flagged in a easily won position.
Black flagged in a easily won position.
B. Evans (1537) - H. Greenberg (1768), draw
13. Ne4 would have created major problems for Black.
K. Czarny (1710) - R. Ott (1426), 1-013. Ne4 would have created major problems for Black.
Black starts an interesting king hunt with 21...Rxf2.
White's king travels from g1 to d6, then finds safety on a3. Black missed playing 25...Qg2+ 26. Bf3 Qxg3 and the attack likely works.
After the game's 27...Qf7+ my silicon beast says it is a mate in 5.
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