Sunday, June 14, 2009

Cecil's Saturday Puzzle - June 6, 2009

from the Saturday Winnipeg Free Press

White to move and mate in 3 (Rubens)
The answer is 1. Kb2
1...c6 2.Kxc6
1...c5 2. Rd2


Anonymous said...

What happens after 1...Pxb3
I can't find a mate in 2 more then.

Chess Manitoba said...

You must just play the next natural move.
Also, there is reason there is a pawn on e4, and b4.
Let me know if that helps.

Anonymous said...

Thanks but I still don't find a solution that mates in three.

Chess Manitoba said...

2. Rxc7+ Kd4(forced)
3. Bb2#