Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Unofficial MTPSS Standings

Sam Lipnowski has surged 6 places with a wopping 1304 point gain in the first 4 games of the TOC.
Sam Cleto has also been impressive, gaining 629 points, and 2 spots in the rankings.

Kevin Li 23802
Jeff Babb 23149
Aron Kaptsan 22533
Nilo Moncal 22390
Leor Wasserman 22302
Samuel Lipnowski 22200 6
Sam Cleto 21888 2
Myron Kernetsky 21514 -2
Gustavo Melamedoff 21485 2
Anthony Boron 21365
Rolando Bince 21323 -4
Les Mundwiler 21303 -4

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