Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cecil's Saturday Puzzle - October 11, 2008

Cecil's Saturday Puzzle - October 11, 2008 from the Winnipeg Free Press
White to mate in 3 (Jokisch)

Not much time for discussion this time, but we must restrain the king for the first move in order to force a pawn to a square that will later block the king.

1. Qa8 g3 2. Qg2 e4 3.Qxg3#
1. Qa8 e4 2. Qa3 e3 3. Qxe3#
1. Qa8 e4 2. Qa3 Ke5 3. Qd6#


Zarko said...

This one stumped me!

I suppose 1. Qb7 also works?

Chess Manitoba said...

Hello Zarko,

I beli3ve 1. Qb7 does not work because after 1...e4 2. Qb3 White does not have access to d6 as in the main line.

Zarko said...

Ah, yes....

Like I said, this one stumped me!