Saturday, December 20, 2008

Grand Prix - Round 6

Khedkar-Kernetsky 1-0
Black goes downhill starting with 42...Rf6. White rejects 43. Nh5 winning the exchange but converts to won ending.

Kong- Wierda DRAW
Black would have had a good chance at the full point if he had played 33...Qd4.
In the final position, Black has to find Qd7 to survive- perhaps Kong offered the draw knowing that was enough to win his Section.

Green - Greenberg 1-0
Green confirms that in the game score 20. Bxa7 should be 20. Bxh6. If Black responds Rd8, the position is level.

Arie Wasserman - Evans 0-1
White has no compensation for the lost exchange.

Aaron Green - Wiebe 0-1
White suddenly fins himself in a mating net.

Gibbons - Letain 0-1
Lorne loves the king walks.

Leor Wasserman - Swift 0-1
Black was up a pawn, but would have to work to convert it into a win, but his task is made easier after 31. h4

Repa-Lauritson 0-1
In the final position, Black is two pawns up and tricks involvng 22...Nf2+ are in the air.

Ott-Trueman 0-1

Campbell-Crawford 0-1
White loses the exchange and Black converts.

Mandusic - Pottinger 0-1


Anonymous said...

In the Repa-Lauritson game move 17 white played Rad1 not Rae1.

Chess Manitoba said...

Thanks Jim, that makes more sense - didn't think White would allow and Black miss those shots.